Affordable Urgent Care Center for Travel Medicine and All Essential Travel Vaccinations

Before you travel, visit StatMD Urgent Care to get the appropriate travel vaccinations and medications along with essential medical advice for safe travel.

Travel Medicine

Before you travel overseas, come visit our urgent care for a consultation with our travel medicine specialist. Our travel medicine team will provide preventive travel care, essential medicine, and travel vaccinations. They will also provide travel-related education and counseling to protect your health during your journey. Our travel medicine doctor will personalize your treatment depending on your medical history and travel destination.

When you return home, you can rely on our team to diagnose and treat travel-related illnesses. Our travel medicine doctors and healthcare providers are well-versed with the current health risks worldwide. We promote healthy and safe travels through personalized travel medicine treatment and can refer you to another expert if needed for any complicated medical conditions.

Walk into StatMD Urgent Care today to receive exceptional travel medication services.

What is travel medicine?

It's a medical specialty that focuses on illnesses and ailments that can be acquired while traveling. Travelers traveling across various nations and remote locations should be aware of the risk of contracting illnesses and injuries that are not prevalent in their own country or region. Before traveling to different regions across your continent and globally, vaccinations, preventative drugs, and basic measures should be addressed. Travel medicine addresses these concerns effectively.

Travel Doctor

What does a travel doctor do?

During your appointment, your travel medicine doctor provides the following services:

Before you travel:

  • Tips for avoiding jet lag, motion sickness, or altitude sickness, and other conditions, with preventive prescriptions, if needed
  • Steps for effectively preventing infections and addressing any specific health concerns in the region you’re traveling to
  • Advice for managing a chronic condition while you travel, especially if you are a high-risk traveler
  • Planning in advance on tackling an illness or injury, including safely transporting your medicines
  • Any precautions that should be taken regarding food, beverages, weather, insect bites, and personal hygiene
  • Analysis of your medical and immunization history with recommendations to maintain your health and prevent illness
  • Tips for identifying the health resources in the countries you'll be traveling to

After you travel:

  • Your travel clinic may advise a routine follow-up evaluation after you return.
  • If you return with symptoms of an illness, injury, or infection, your travel clinic medical team will offer appropriate post-travel care
Medications to take while traveling

What medications to take while traveling?

You must carry preventative medications for

  • Traveler's diarrhea
  • Malaria
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pain and fever medicine
  • Cough drops, cough expectorants, or suppressants
  • Motion sickness
  • Acidity
  • Allergies
  • Any other essential region and season-specific diseases

Special arrangements should be made for patients with underlying medical conditions such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Immunosuppressive conditions
  • Cancer
Travel clinic provide

What service does a travel clinic provide?

  • Completely personalized travel consultation
  • Malaria chemoprophylaxis, when specified
  • All vaccinations suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization for the region being traveled to
  • All vaccines in routine at the first appointment
  • Medication for self-treating travelers' diarrhea
  • Detailed, informative materials on maintaining your health while traveling abroad
  • Assessment for patients who might become ill during or after travel
  • A comprehensive parasitology lab with same-day results for standard lab tests and malaria smear
  • Specific test results available from reference laboratories within 1-2 weeks
  • Educational materials regarding prescriptions, vaccines, and tips for healthy traveling

Which vaccines do I need before traveling?

Immunizations against the following illnesses are recommended at least 4 to 6 weeks before you travel:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow fever
  • Rabies
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Polio
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Meningococcal infection
Why choose us

Why choose us?

  • Highly skilled and experienced travel medicine specialist
  • We're the most renowned urgent care center for travel medicine in Bakersfield, CA.
  • Faster, highly efficient service
  • Open on weekdays and weekends
  • Longer, convenient business hours
  • Extensive parking space
  • Minimal wait times
  • Most of our patients are kids, and our team is well-versed with kids' travel medicine
  • Our travel medicine doctor can treat patients of all ages with different health backgrounds

Looking for the best urgent care center for travel medicine in Bakersfield, CA?

Visit StatMD Urgent Care Clinic today! We offer personalized and highly effective travel medicine services tailored to your medical condition, travel location, and preferences.

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