How Can Urgent Care Treat Acid Reflux?

Mar 17, 2023

Urgent Care


Acid reflux is thought to affect one out of every five persons. This illness is characterized by a searing, burning sensation in your chest that commonly comes after meals and affects around 60 million people in the United States. Acid reflux occurs when gastric juice flows back up the esophagus. This is also known as gastroesophageal reflux. Although painful, acid reflux treatment can be managed at home with antacids or other medications. Nonetheless, other symptoms might need rapid medical attention and necessitate professional help.

Here is a guide to assist you in understanding the condition and taking the necessary steps at the right time!

Seeking Medical Attention for Acid Reflux Symptoms

The digestive tract is one-way; however, during acid reflux, a muscle at the upper part of the stomach deteriorates or breaks down, allowing stomach acid to travel backward into your esophagus. This can cause a sensation known as heartburn. 

Many individuals experience a burning sensation in their lower esophagus, near the stomach entrance, before it goes up into their chest. This can be concerning and a possible indicator of a heart attack. Get urgent medical attention if the following symptoms do not subside after taking antacids–

  • Chest squeezing or tightness.
  • Breathing heavily
  • Radiating pain, hurting, or discomfort from the chest to the lumbar or neck
  • Fatigue or dizziness
  • The cold sweat
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Arm ache

Even if it is not a cardiac arrest, it could be another serious problem that needs prompt heartburn treatment.

Addressing Acid Reflux with Urgent Care Facilities

It is always wiser to be cautious and examine it at a reliable urgent care center with suitable technology and professionals to diagnose properly and start acid reflux treatment as soon as possible. The emergency center provides diagnostic tools such as ECG and sophisticated CT imaging to evaluate and access ailments. Furthermore, urgent care facilities enable patients to get instant solutions with an integrated lab and pharmacy.

Signs and Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Most people can manage their GERD (chronic acid reflux) symptoms with lifestyle modifications and medications. Acid reflux can lead to a burning sensation in your chest, which can spread to your neck and throat. This sensation is commonly referred to as heartburn.

It is common to experience a sour or bitter sensation in the back of your mouth. Moreover, it could result in the regurgitation of food. Below are the symptoms of acid reflux needing the right attention—

Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux.

The following are common GERD indications and symptoms:

  • A burning sensation (heartburn) may worsen at nighttime or while reclining.
  • Food or sour liquid regurgitation
  • Upper abdominal or chest discomfort
  • Having difficulty swallowing 
  • Feeling a lump in the throat

Less Common Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Other symptoms of Acid reflux may include:

  • Nausea
  • Chest discomfort
  • Soreness when swallowing
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Recurring cough
  • A raspy voice
  • Odorous breath

Getting GERD treatment and managing symptoms before they progress to a heart attack is critical.

When to Go to Urgent Care for Acid Reflux?

An intentional diet modification or over-the-counter drugs can help bring relief and minimize the following signs and symptoms for GERD patients:

  • A feeling of burning in the chest (heartburn)
  • Sour-tasting fluid regurgitation
  • Distasteful throat sensation
  • Certain swallowing difficulties

Consider getting acid reflux treatment if such GERD episodes have become more regular, impacting your sleep cycles, and the individual is no longer seeing relief from symptoms after taking medicine. Consulting with an urgent care clinic expert can help you adjust the prescription or opt for additional testing to determine what is causing the symptoms to worsen.

Urgent Care Treatment for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux treatment options include making lifestyle changes, taking the appropriate medicine, or adopting surgical measures in severe cases. 


Your doctor may also advise you to take over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.  Medications can have unpleasant effects, so it's important to consult your doctor to determine the most suitable medications. Popular GERD treatment medications include: 


Tums and other antacids commonly treat occasional and moderate signs of acid reflux and GERD. 

  • H2 receptor antagonists: H2 blockers, such as Pepcid AC, reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces. 
  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs): PPIs reduce the amount of acid induced by your stomach. They are more beneficial than H2 blockers in repairing the esophageal lining, which can get damaged when someone has GERD for a long period.


In most situations, lifestyle choices and medications are enough to prevent and alleviate GERD symptoms. Nonetheless, surgery is occasionally required to address severe cases. Several surgical options for treating GERD include fundoplication and bariatric surgery for acid reflux due to excess weight.

Lifestyle Modifications

To regulate and relieve GERD symptoms, your physician might recommend you adopt the following lifestyle changes:

  • Keeping a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoiding hefty evening meals
  • Sleeping with your head elevated 

Get Prompt and Personalized Acid Reflux Treatment in Bakersfield!

Getting the right GERD treatment at the right time is important to ease your symptoms and discomfort. StatMD Urgent Care provides high-quality, instant care for all your illnesses and injuries. Our physicians will assist you with individualized care and the most suitable treatment options. Contact us now to book an appointment today!

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