Role of Urgent Care in Managing High Blood Pressure

May 09, 2023

Urgent Care


High blood pressure, widely known as hypertension, is a common ailment that affects the lives of millions across the globe. It occurs when the heart rapidly pumps blood through the blood vessels. Although it is the most common condition worldwide, it can become a “quiet killer” as the lack of consideration can lead to several life-threatening complications, such as kidney diseases, stroke, and sometimes even death. Therefore, it is vital to take the necessary measures to ensure that your blood pressure stays in balance.

Professional medical assistance can be a lifesaver. Visiting urgent care for high blood pressure near you can help, as you can receive proper attention from experienced doctors. Professionals can help identify the cause and provide guidance to reduce the risk of progressing into fatality. 

Symptoms of Hypertension

High blood pressure does not have specifically distinctive symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of high blood pressure, such as headaches, blurred vision, and chest pain, can turn severe if left untreated. People with high blood pressure, i.e., 180/120 or more, can experience symptoms such as,

  • Extreme headaches
  • Chest ache
  • Heavy breathing
  • Uneasy sensation
  • Vomiting
  • Vision difficulties 
  • Anxiety
  • Haziness
  • Strange humming in the ears
  • Increasing pulse rate

If you are experiencing such symptoms, immediately visit a walk-in urgent care for high blood pressure in Bakersfield, CA.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

Some of the factors that can cause high blood pressure are the following:

  • Obesity
  • Intake of too much salt in the diet
  • Not doing physical workouts or exercises
  • Alcohol 
  • Smoking
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine beverages
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Aging
  • Congenital factors

The lifestyle irregularities and habits mentioned above can lead to multiple risks associated with hypertension. 

Risks of Hypertension

High blood pressure affects organs, such as the brain, kidneys, heart, and eyes, if not managed well. Besides, it can also increase the risk of several serious and life-threatening conditions, such as:

  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Kidney failure
  • Vision problems
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Lapsing in memory
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's
  • Chest pain

Reducing the risk of high blood pressure can help lower the risk of other health conditions. For that, urgent medical intervention from medical professionals can greatly save a life.

Benefits of Urgent Care for High Blood Pressure 

People with high blood pressure should visit urgent care clinics for checkups routinely. Reputable urgent care centers like Walk-In urgent care for high blood pressure in Bakersfield, CA, can provide walk-in treatment for high blood pressure, blood pressure readings, advice regarding high blood pressure medication, tips for at-home management, and more.

1. Immediate Medical Attention

High Blood pressure can sometimes progress to an emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Not every life-threatening case of high blood pressure causes striking symptoms, but some people may experience shortness of breath or severe headaches. In that case, urgent care for high blood pressure can provide medical attention to look for minor signs and symptoms that can shoot up the normal pressure.

2. Convenience and Accessibility

What separates urgent care from primary care physicians is that they provide their patients with the benefits of convenience and accessibility. Urgent care has extended hours, including evenings and weekends, making it easier for individuals with busy schedules to receive care. 

3. Expert Medical Care

Urgent Care has experienced healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and physician assistants. These providers are competent and they are experts in diagnosing and treating high blood pressure. Urgent care clinics can provide diagnostic tests, such as ECGs and blood tests, to help diagnose and monitor high blood pressure.

4. Comprehensive Care

Urgent Care provides comprehensive evaluations to diagnose high blood pressure and determine its underlying causes. Healthcare providers can perform physical exams and other tests to assess and identify other medical conditions contributing to high blood pressure. They also provide medication management services, including prescription refills, medication adjustments, and advice on managing high blood pressure through lifestyle changes. 

See Also: Common Medical Conditions Treated at Urgent Care

The Right Time to Visit Urgent Care 

Individuals with high blood pressure should consider going to urgent care if they experience,

  • Emergencies such as stroke, shortness of breath, or severe chest pain.
  • Acute symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or blurred vision.
  • If your blood pressure is above 120/80mmHg.
  • Frequent routine check-ups are mandatory if you have a registered case in urgent care.

Manage Your Blood Pressure with StatMD Urgent Care 

Managing blood pressure is critical for overall health longevity, as high blood pressure can lead to stroke, kidney failure, and other complications. Making lifestyle changes and taking prescribed medication can help manage hypertension. For that, StatMD Urgent Care is the best facility, as their qualified medical professionals, along with state-of-the-art technologies, have played a role in saving millions of lives. Apart from that, the convenience option makes it the top choice for high blood pressure patients. Reach out to us and get complete guidance on high blood pressure.

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