Eye Infections: Learn the Causes and Spot the Symptoms

Aug 10, 2023

Urgent Care

Eye Infections: Learn the Causes and Spot the Symptoms

An eye infection is a disease of the eyes caused by harmful microorganisms. It is a common health condition, with nearly 1 million people in the U.S. visiting healthcare facilities for eye infection treatment. You can have an eye infection in either one eye or both eyes. 

If you experience pain and discomfort for a longer time, visiting urgent care for an eye infection should be your priority. At the center, the experienced providers ensure accurate diagnosis, fast relief, and prevention of complications to safeguard your eyes from long-term damage.

Understanding Eye Infections

Eye infections are ocular conditions caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. They manifest through symptoms such as redness, itching, and blurred vision. Timely treatment with antibiotics or antiviral medication is essential to prevent complications and promote recovery. Good hygiene and avoiding the sharing of personal items can help reduce the risk of eye infections.

Eye infections may occur in different parts of the eye, such as:

  • Eyelid
  • Cornea
  • Conjunctiva 

Symptoms Associated with It 

Depending on the location and condition of the eye infection, the symptoms that you may experience are:

  • Red eyes
  • Pain and swelling
  • Itchiness or irritation
  • Frequent tearing
  • Grittiness
  • Tenderness in the eyelids

Causes of Eye Infections

Eye infections may be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi that may enter the eye and attack the surface or interior of the eye. This usually occurs when you are exposed to an infection such as conjunctivitis, which is a highly contagious disease, or you suffer from an eye injury caused by an accident, penetration of a foreign object, or a sports injury.

Wearing your contact lenses while sleeping and not following proper hygiene methods related to the lenses is a major cause of eye infections.

Regardless of the cause of your eye infection, you must consult an eye doctor if the symptoms mentioned above continue or worsen. If left untreated, you may make yourself vulnerable to potential risks such as damage to the retina or the formation of scars and ulcers in the cornea, or other severe complications leading to permanent vision loss or even developing into a life-threatening condition. 

Signs That Indicate the Need for Urgent Care

For most eye infections, the symptoms may subside with a few home care tips and prescription medication. However, if your symptoms become more severe, it means that self-treatment at home is no longer the recommended treatment for you. You must consult urgent care as soon as possible if you experience:

  • Blurred vision
  • Thick yellow discharge from the eye
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Pink color in the whites of the eyes
  • Swollen eyelids in red or purple hues
  • Crusty eyelids and eyelashes
  • Fever

Most Common Eye Infections

While there are several types of eye infections, the most common among them are:

Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis): It is a bacterial or viral infection that results in the inflammation of the conjunctiva, a thin, moist area that covers the inside of the eyelids and the outer white part of the eye.

Keratitis: Caused by bacteria, viruses, and water parasites, this condition is mostly seen among contact lens users.

Stye: Styes occur when the oil glands in the eyelids get infected with bacteria and lead to red swellings under the eyelid or at the base of the eyelashes. 

Fungal eye infections: These are caused due to an eye injury, post-surgery, or improper and unhygienic use of contact lenses.

Uveitis: This is a condition in which the middle layer of the eye is infected and may either be a viral infection or due to autoimmune disorders.

Benefits of Seeking Urgent Care for Eye Infections

Visiting urgent care for eye infection has several benefits, such as:

  • Prompt treatment
  • Accurate diagnosis and treatment of the infection
  • Faster relief
  • Intermediary treatment for eye infections with severe symptoms that may need specialized ophthalmologic care

Diagnosis of Eye Infections

For proper treatment of your eye infection, the physician at the urgent care will first diagnose your condition. For that, they will:

  • Ask for your medical history
  • Enquire about your symptoms
  • Perform an eye exam
  • Collect a sample of the eye discharge for lab testing

Preventive Measures and Home Care Tips

While eye infections are a common condition, you can take certain steps to protect yourself with the help of the following tips:

  • Keep your hands clean
  • Keep your surroundings sanitized and free from irritants that trigger eye infections
  • Avoid touching your eyes often
  • Shield your eyes from injuries
  • Stay away from confined spaces during outbreaks of eye infections
  • Do not share makeup brushes

Final Thoughts 

Eye infections are a common health condition that can affect people across all age groups, but with proper eye care, you can prevent an eye infection.  Receiving urgent care for eye infections is important. Besides offering prompt relief and facilitating the recovery process, it rules out the complication of your infection into a condition that may harm you in the long term.

So, if you have an eye infection, get eye infection treatment near you at urgent care to ensure assured recovery in minimum time.

Visit StatMD Urgent Care for Prompt and Quality Eye Treatments

If you are looking for the best eye infection treatment in Bakersfield, CA, StatMD Urgent Care can be your best option. Our team of licensed physicians focuses on providing expert and quality treatment for a wide range of injuries and illnesses with a minimal waiting period.

For more information on the healthcare services that we offer, contact our team today.

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